2024 |
Pao, Hai-ni, Elizabeth Jackson, Tsang-sung Yang, Jyan-syung Tsai, Yi-ting Hwang, Watson H. T. Sung and Dirk U. , Pfeiffer. Clustering broiler farmers based on their behavioural differences towards biosecurity to prevent highly pathogenic avian influenza, One Health, 19, 100852~100852 |
2013 |
Tsai, Jason, Strategies for Implementing Education for Sustainable Development in Business School, The Journal of Human Resource and Adult Learning, 9(2), 172-183 |
2010 |
Wang, CC, CL Fang, J. Tsai, and H Chen, Avian Influenza Risk Perception by Poultry Farmers - An Empirical Study in Taiwan, KIIT Research Journal, 1(1), 35-45 |
2010 |
黃啟瑞、蔡建雄、許育群, 服務品質、顧客滿意度與品牌經營 - 以台灣訊聯臍帶血銀行為例, 中小企業銀行發展季刊, (15), 111-129 |
2010 |
Tsai, Jason and Shirly Hung, The Development of Marketing New Constructs: Brand Love and Consumer Happiness, KIIT Research Journal, 1(1), 271-287 |
2008 |
Tsai, Jason, The Economic Impact of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza on Poultry Farms in Taiwan, Taiwan and Japan Joint Conference on Avian Influenza Prevention and Control, Animal Health Research Institute, Danshuei, Taiwan |
2008 |
Xirasagar, S., Y.C. Lien, H.C. Lin, H.C. Lee, T.C. Liu, and J. Tsai, Procedure Volume of Gastric Cancer Resections versus 5-year Survival, Eur J Surg Oncol, 34(1), 23-29 |
2007 |
Tsai, Jason and Hsiu-Yu Hung, International Brand Strategy of Taiwanese Hi-Tech Enterprises, Journal of Business Administration, (70), 29-47 |
2007 |
洪瑋伶和蔡建雄, 費用控管方案與臺北地區病患選擇西醫門診的關聯, 健康保險期刊, 4(1), 69-81 |
2007 |
Tsai, Jason and Hsiu-Yu Hung, The International Marketing Operation of Agricultural Cooperatives in Taiwan, Journal of Global Business Management, 3(2) |
2006 |
Tsai, Jason and Hsiu-Yu Hung, International Brand Marketing Strategy of Taiwanese Hi-Tech Enterprises: A Comparison of Acer and Trend Micro, Journal of Business Administration, (70), 29-47 |
2006 |
蔡建雄, 農業合作社的現代經營與管理(下), 合作經濟, (91), 29-39 |
2006 |
蔡建雄, 農業合作社的現代經營與管理(上), 合作經濟, (90), 15-19 |
2006 |
蔡建雄, 農業合作組織在台灣農業中的定位和作用, 合作經濟, (88), 1-14 |
2006 |
Tsai, Jason and Hsiu-Yu Hung, The Competitive Strategies of Taiwanese Hi-tech Industry, Journal of Global Business Management, 2(2), 118-125 |
2001 |
Tsai, Jason, Consumer Responses to Animal Disease Epidemics: An Empirical Study of the FMD Outbreak, 農經半年刊, (69), 167-187 |
2001 |
Tsai, Jason, The Comparative Advantage of Taiwan's Major Cut Flowers, Agricultural Economics, 47, 265-271 |
1999 |
Tsai, Jason, The Use of Natural Resources, Agricultural Economics, 45(5), 221-223 |
1999 |
Tsai, Jason, The Impact of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Epidemic on the Consumption on Meat in Taiwan, 農業經濟論叢, (4), 69-85 |
1999 |
Tsai, Jason, The Welfare Analysis of the Effects of the Foot-and-Mouth Disease Epidemic on the Hog Industry in Taiwan, 農經半年刊, (65), 143-165 |
1998 |
劉祥熹、蔡建雄, 台灣地區花卉產銷及其展望之分析--兼論對大陸花卉產業經營之啟示, 台灣經濟, (256), 56-72 |
1998 |
蔡建雄、楊平政, 豬隻口蹄疫防疫計畫之經濟效益分析, 中華獸醫誌, 32(3), 196-202 |
1997 |
蔡建雄, 傳染性疾病防治計畫之成本效益分析, 台灣土地金融季刊, 34(1), 135-146 |
1996 |
Miller, G. Y., J. Tsai, D. L. Forster, and G. Schnikey, A Benefit-Cost Analysis of the National Pseudorabies Virus Eradication Program, American Journal of Veterinary Research, (208), 208-213 |
1995 |
Miller, G. Y., D. L. Forster, J. Tsai, and G. Bowman, Producitvity and Profitability Differences between Pseudorabies Infected and Non-infected Farrow-to-Finish Swine Herds, Journal of American Veterinary Medical Association, (206), 446-45x |
1994 |
Miller, G. Y., D. L. Forster, J. Tsai, and S. Bech-Nielsen, Predicting the Number of Infected Herds with Pseudorabies Virus in the U.S., American Journal of Veterinary Research, (55), 628-635 |