
期刊年份 期刊名稱 期刊類別
2024 Pao, Hai-ni, Elizabeth Jackson, Tsang-sung Yang, Jyan-syung Tsai, Yi-ting Hwang, Watson H. T. Sung and Dirk U. , Pfeiffer. Clustering broiler farmers based on their behavioural differences towards biosecurity to prevent highly pathogenic avian influenza, One Health, 19, 100852~100852
2013 Tsai, Jason, Strategies for Implementing Education for Sustainable Development in Business School, The Journal of Human Resource and Adult Learning, 9(2), 172-183
2010 Wang, CC, CL Fang, J. Tsai, and H Chen, Avian Influenza Risk Perception by Poultry Farmers - An Empirical Study in Taiwan, KIIT Research Journal, 1(1), 35-45
2010 黃啟瑞、蔡建雄、許育群, 服務品質、顧客滿意度與品牌經營 - 以台灣訊聯臍帶血銀行為例, 中小企業銀行發展季刊, (15), 111-129
2010 Tsai, Jason and Shirly Hung, The Development of Marketing New Constructs: Brand Love and Consumer Happiness, KIIT Research Journal, 1(1), 271-287
2008 Tsai, Jason, The Economic Impact of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza on Poultry Farms in Taiwan, Taiwan and Japan Joint Conference on Avian Influenza Prevention and Control, Animal Health Research Institute, Danshuei, Taiwan
2008 Xirasagar, S., Y.C. Lien, H.C. Lin, H.C. Lee, T.C. Liu, and J. Tsai, Procedure Volume of Gastric Cancer Resections versus 5-year Survival, Eur J Surg Oncol, 34(1), 23-29
2007 Tsai, Jason and Hsiu-Yu Hung, International Brand Strategy of Taiwanese Hi-Tech Enterprises, Journal of Business Administration, (70), 29-47
2007 洪瑋伶和蔡建雄, 費用控管方案與臺北地區病患選擇西醫門診的關聯, 健康保險期刊, 4(1), 69-81
2007 Tsai, Jason and Hsiu-Yu Hung, The International Marketing Operation of Agricultural Cooperatives in Taiwan, Journal of Global Business Management, 3(2)
2006 Tsai, Jason and Hsiu-Yu Hung, International Brand Marketing Strategy of Taiwanese Hi-Tech Enterprises: A Comparison of Acer and Trend Micro, Journal of Business Administration, (70), 29-47
2006 蔡建雄, 農業合作社的現代經營與管理(下), 合作經濟, (91), 29-39
2006 蔡建雄, 農業合作社的現代經營與管理(上), 合作經濟, (90), 15-19
2006 蔡建雄, 農業合作組織在台灣農業中的定位和作用, 合作經濟, (88), 1-14
2006 Tsai, Jason and Hsiu-Yu Hung, The Competitive Strategies of Taiwanese Hi-tech Industry, Journal of Global Business Management, 2(2), 118-125
2001 Tsai, Jason, Consumer Responses to Animal Disease Epidemics: An Empirical Study of the FMD Outbreak, 農經半年刊, (69), 167-187 TSSCI
2001 Tsai, Jason, The Comparative Advantage of Taiwan's Major Cut Flowers, Agricultural Economics, 47, 265-271
1999 Tsai, Jason, The Use of Natural Resources, Agricultural Economics, 45(5), 221-223
1999 Tsai, Jason, The Impact of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Epidemic on the Consumption on Meat in Taiwan, 農業經濟論叢, (4), 69-85 TSSCI
1999 Tsai, Jason, The Welfare Analysis of the Effects of the Foot-and-Mouth Disease Epidemic on the Hog Industry in Taiwan, 農經半年刊, (65), 143-165 TSSCI
1998 劉祥熹、蔡建雄, 台灣地區花卉產銷及其展望之分析--兼論對大陸花卉產業經營之啟示, 台灣經濟, (256), 56-72
1998 蔡建雄、楊平政, 豬隻口蹄疫防疫計畫之經濟效益分析, 中華獸醫誌, 32(3), 196-202
1997 蔡建雄, 傳染性疾病防治計畫之成本效益分析, 台灣土地金融季刊, 34(1), 135-146
1996 Miller, G. Y., J. Tsai, D. L. Forster, and G. Schnikey, A Benefit-Cost Analysis of the National Pseudorabies Virus Eradication Program, American Journal of Veterinary Research, (208), 208-213 SCI
1995 Miller, G. Y., D. L. Forster, J. Tsai, and G. Bowman, Producitvity and Profitability Differences between Pseudorabies Infected and Non-infected Farrow-to-Finish Swine Herds, Journal of American Veterinary Medical Association, (206), 446-45x SCI
1994 Miller, G. Y., D. L. Forster, J. Tsai, and S. Bech-Nielsen, Predicting the Number of Infected Herds with Pseudorabies Virus in the U.S., American Journal of Veterinary Research, (55), 628-635 SCI


研討會舉行年份 論文發表篇名
2008 Lu, Yung-Shun and Jason Tsai, Consumer Awareness of Hypermarket Store Image in Taipei Area, International Conference on Business Management and Economics, Erzurum, Turkey
2008 Hung, Shirly and Jason Tsai, A Cross Country Comparison of the NB Computer Purchasing Behavior between Taiwanese and the U.S. Customers, International Conference on Business Management and Economics, Erzurum, Turkey
2008 Tsai, Jason, Hsiang Chen, Chen-Ling Fang, and Chih-Chien Wang, People's Risk Perception and Intended Risk Handling of the Avian Influenza in Taiwan, International Conference on Business Management and Economics, Erzurum, Turkey
2008 Tsai, Jason and Meng-gu Chen, The Cost Benefit Analysis on the Highly and Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza Control and Eradication Program, International Conference on Business Management and Economics, Erzurum, Turkey
2007 蔡建雄, 從行銷通路看農業合作社的發展, 臺中市, 臺灣
2006 蔡建雄, 農業合作組織之現代經營與管理, 台中 逢甲大學, 臺灣
2006 Tsai, Jason, International Brand Marketing Strategy of Taiwanese Hi-tech Enterprises: A Comparison of Acer and Trend Micro, Prague, Czech Rep.
2005 Tsai, Jason, Competitive Strategy -- Taiwanese High-Tech Industry, Agrarian Perspectives XIV,, Prague, Czech Rep.
2005 蔡建雄, 農業合作組織在台灣農業的定位與作用, 杭州, 中國
2000 Tsai, Jason, Consumer Responses to Animal Disease Epidemics: An Empirical Study of the FMD Outbreak,, The Annual Conference of Canadian Agricultural Economics Association, Vancouver, Canada
2000 Tsai, Jason, Pork Consumption Behavior after the FMD Epidemics, The First Annual Conference on Empirical Economics, Chia-Yi, Taiwan
1999 Tsai, Jason, The Competitiveness of the Taiwanese Floral Industry and WTO Challenges and Opportunities,, International Conference on the Agrarian Sector Competitiveness and the Integration Processes, Prague, Czech Rep.
1998 Tsai, Jason, Use of Natural Resources in Taiwan, International Conference on Use of Natural Resources and European Integration, Prague, Czech Rep.
1998 許恆明、潘明全與蔡建雄, 台、日切花消費行為之文化價值觀與生活型態比較研究, 全國管理碩士論文獎暨研討會, 台北, 臺灣
1995 Tsai, Jason and Yi-Chyun Tsai, The Dairy Industry Organization and the Policy in Taiwan, International Symposium on Dairy Industry, Taichung, Taiwan


出版日期 論文篇名


出版日期 書名
2007/12 蔡建雄,陳孟谷, 高低病原性禽流感防治計畫之成本效益分析
2004 黃琮琪、林啟淵、蔡建雄、黃炳文、黃貴民、李家銘、陳本源, 休閒農業經營產值調查
2004 黃琮琪、林瑞松、蔡建雄、林啟淵, 西洋蘭運銷通路及成本調查分析
2004 梁玲菁、蔡建雄、池祥麟、方珍玲, 各國合作事業 - 金融保險篇
1999 蔡建雄、黃琮琪, 發展台灣蔬果多元化共同運銷通路之研究
1998 蔡建雄, 毛豬傳染病防治對策與貿易行動之經濟分析
1997 蔡建雄, 台灣畜禽傳染病概況及防治對策之成本效益分析
1997 蔡建雄, 豬瘟撲滅計畫之益本比分析
1996 蔡建雄, 農業民俗文物館設館區位之研究
1994 Tsai, Jason, A Benefit-Cost Analysis of the National Pseudorabies Eradication Program
1989 蔡建雄, 台灣雞蛋產業風險和福利關聯之計量分析


經費補助單位 計畫名稱 計畫執行開始日期 擔任角色
故宮博物院 博物館門票訂價策略分析評估 2011 主持人
工業技術研究院 國際花卉產業供應鏈產銷與交易運作模式 2011 主持人
行政院農委會動植物防疫檢疫局 氣候變遷對毛豬災後人畜共通疾病影響及對社會經濟損失之研究 2011 主持人
國立故宮博物院 大故宮計畫網路問卷調查 2011 主持人
行政院農委會動植物防疫檢疫局 禽流感撲殺補償標準之研究-賽鴿與珍禽類 2010 主持人


年度 經歷類別 服務機關名稱 職務
2016 專業顧問 電子支付機構清償基金管理委員會 委員


獲獎年度 獲獎項目 頒發單位