Journal Paper

Year Journal Category
2024 Cheng*, C. and Sheu, C.,Social media analytics and product innovation: mediating effects of knowledge exploration and exploitation competences,International Journal of Operations and Production Management,44(1),229-259
2023 Cheng*, C., Hsu, S. and Sheu, C.,How can green innovation from manufacturers benefit from supplier networks?,Supply Chain Management: An International Journal,28(3),559-575 SSCI
2023 Cheng, C. and Shiu*, E.,The relative values of big data analytics versus traditional marketing analytics to firm innovation: an empirical study,Information & Management,60(7),103839 SSCI
2022 Cheng*, C. and Sheu, C.,Leveraging supplier involvement for fueling manufacturers’ firm creativity,Industrial Marketing Management,107,353-367 SSCI
2022 Cheng, C. and Shiu*, E.,A two-level, longitudinal investigation into the effects of employee social entrepreneurship orientation and top management team decisions on product innovation,Technological Forecasting and Social Change,182,121832 SSCI
2021 Cheng, C. and Shiu*, E.,Establishing a typology of open innovation strategies and their differential impacts on innovation success in an Asia-Pacific developed economy,Asia Pacific Journal of Management,38,68-89 SSCI
2020 Cheng*, C. and Shiu, E.,Leveraging open innovation strategies for fueling eco-innovation performance in dynamic environments,Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal,11(7),1245-1270 SSCI
2020 Cheng*, C.,Sustainability orientation, green supplier involvement, and green innovation performance: Evidence from diversifying green entrants,Journal of Business Ethics,161(2),393-414 SSCI
2020 Cheng, C. and Shiu*, E.,What makes social media-based supplier network involvement more effective for new product performance? The role of network structure,Journal of Business Research,118,299-310 SSCI
2019 Cheng*, C. and Shiu, E.,How to enhance SMEs customer involvement using social media: The role of Social CRM,International Small Business Journal,37(1),22-42 SSCI
2018 Cheng, C. and Sheu*, C.,Enhancing radical innovation: The interplays of open innovation activities, firm capabilities, and environmental dynamism,Asian Journal of Technology Innovation,26(3),369-393 SSCI
2018 Tsou, H. and Cheng*, C.,How to enhance IT B2B service innovation? An integrated view of organizational mechanisms,Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing,33(7),984-1000 SSCI
2018 Cheng*, C. and Krumwiede, D.,Enhancing the performance of supplier involvement in new product development: The enabling roles of social media and firm capabilities,Supply Chain Management: An International Journal,23(3),171-187 SSCI
2017 Cheng*, C. and Krumwiede, D.,What makes a manufacturing firm effective for service innovation? The role of intangible capital under strategic and environmental conditions,International Journal of Production Economics,193,113-122 SSCI
2017 Tien, W. and Cheng*, C.,Managing online creativity for improving innovation performance,Internet Research,27(3),670-690 SSCI
2017 Cheng*, C. and Sheu, C.,When are strategic orientations beneficial for collaborative service innovation?,Service Industries Journal,37(7-8),466-493 SSCI
2016 Cheng*, C. and Shiu, E.,Examining the link between service modularity and firm performance: A capability perspective,Journal of Service Theory and Practice,26(5),696-720 SSCI
2016 Cheng, C., Yang, C. and Sheu*, C.,Effects of open innovation and knowledge-based dynamic capabilities on radical innovation: An empirical study,Journal of Engineering and Technology Management,41,79-91 SSCI
2015 Cheng*, C. and Shiu, E.,The inconvenient truth of the relationship between open innovation activities and innovation performance,Management Decision,53(3),625-647 SSCI
2015 Tsou, H., Cheng*, C. and Hsu, H.,Selecting business partner for service delivery co-innovation and competitive advantage,Management Decision,53(9),2107-2134 SSCI
2014 Sung, C., Liu*, C. and Cheng, C.,Durability improvement at high current density by graphene networks on PEM fuel cell,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,39(22),11706-11712 SCI
2014 Liao, S. and Cheng*, C.,Brand equity and the exacerbating factors of product innovation failure evaluations: A communication effect perspective,Journal of Business Research,67(1),2919-2925 SSCI
2014 Sung, C., Liu*, C. and Cheng, C.,Performance improvement by a glue-functioned Nafion layer coating on gas diffusion electrodes in PEM fuel cells,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,39(22),11700-11705 SCI
2014 Cheng, C., Yang, C. and Sheu*, C.,The link between eco-innovation and business performance: A Taiwanese industry context,Journal of Cleaner Production,64,81-90 SCI
2014 Cheng, C. and Huizingh*, E.,When is open innovation beneficial? The role of strategic orientation,Journal of Product Innovation Management,31(6),1235-1253 SSCI
2014 Cheng, C., Shiu*, E. and Dawson, J.,Service business model and service innovativeness,International Journal of Innovation Management,18(2),1450013-1450034 EI
2013 Cheng, C. and Chen*, J.,Breakthrough innovation: The roles of dynamic innovation capabilities and open innovation activities,Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing,28(5),444-454 SSCI
2013 Cheng*, C., Tasi, E. and Krumwiede, D.,How to enhance new product creativity in the online brand community?,Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice,15(1),83-96 SSCI
2013 Liao, S. and Cheng*, C.,Consumer evaluation of self-service innovation failure: The effect of brand equity and attribution,Service Industries Journal,33(5),467-485 SSCI
2012 Cheng*, C. and Krumwiede, D.,The role of service innovation in the market orientation-new service performance linkage,Technovation,32(7-8),487-497 SSCI
2012 Cheng, C., Chen*, J. and Tsou, H.,Market-creating service innovation: verification and its associations with new service development and customer involvement,Journal of Services Marketing,26(6),444-457 SSCI
2012 Cheng*, C. and Shiu, E.,Validation of a proposed instrument for measuring eco-innovation: An implementation perspective,Technovation,32(6),329-344 SSCI
2011 Cheng*, C.,Dynamic service innovation capability, radical service innovation, and open business models,International Journal of Services Technology and Management,16(3/4),229-242 EI
2011 Cheng*, C. and Krumwiede, D.,The effects of market orientation on new service performance: The mediating role of innovation,International Journal of Services Technology and Management,16(1),49-73 EI
2010 Cheng*, C. and Krumwiede, D.,The effects of market orientation and service innovation on service industry performance: An empirical study,Operations Management Research,3(3),161-171 SSCI
2009 Cheng, C., Krumwiede, D. and Sheu*, C.,Online audio group discussions: a comparison with face-to-face methods,International Journal of Market Research,51(2),219-241 SSCI
2008 Cheng, C. and Shiu*, E.,Re-innovation: The construct, measurement, and validation,Technovation,28(10),658-666 SSCI
2008 Cheng*, C. and Shiu, E.,Preconditions for product re-innovation in Taiwan: evidence from high-technology firms,Asia Pacific Business Review,14(2),191-211 EI
2008 Cheng*, C. and Shiu, E.,Critical success factors of new product development in Taiwan’s electronics-related industry,Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics,20(2),174-189 SSCI

Conference paper

Year Title
2024 Cheng, C.,Open innovation strategies, organizational capabilities, and sustainability innovation,The XXXV ISPIM Innovation Conference, Local Innovation Ecosystems For Global Impact,Tallinn, Estonia.
2024 Cheng, C.,Customer involvement and social media in small and medium enterprises,18th International Conference of the Academy of Global Business Research and Practice,,Singapore.
2023 Cheng, C.,Sustainability orientation, supplier involvement, and green innovation,The XXXIV ISPIM Innovation Conference: Innovation and Circular Economy,Ljubljana,Slovenia
2019 Hong, Y. and Cheng, C.,Factors influencing business partner selection in service co-innovation,The XXX ISPIM Innovation Conference: Celebrating Innovation, 500 Years Since Da Vinci,Florence,Italy
2019 Cheng, C.,How much do organizational capabilities and environments influence open innovation?,The XXX ISPIM Innovation Conference: Celebrating Innovation, 500 Years Since Da Vinci,Florence,Italy
2019 Cheng, C. and Krumwiede, D.,Social entrepreneurship orientation and product innovation performance,Decision Sciences Institute 50th Annual Meeting,New Orleans, Louisiana,USA
2018 Cheng, C. and Krumwiede, D.,The underlying impact of supplier participation on manufacturer green innovation,Decision Sciences Institute 49th Annual Meeting,Chicago, Illinois,USA
2018 Cheng. C.,Customer involvement, Social CRM, and innovation performance in SMEs,The XXIX ISPIM Innovation Conference: Innovation, The Name of The Game,Stockholm,Sweden
2017 Cheng, C. and Krumwiede, D.,The interaction effects of supplier involvement and social media on innovation performance,Decision Sciences Institute 48th Annual Meeting,Washington D.C.,USA
2017 Cheng, C.,Successful open innovation: Firm capabilities and environmental uncertainty,The XXVIII ISPIM Innovation Conference: Composing the Innovation Symphony,Vienna,Austria
2017 Cheng. C. and Chen, S.,Managing creative climate in computer-mediated platforms for enhancing innovation performance,The XXVIII ISPIM Innovation Conference: Composing the Innovation Symphony,Vienna,Austria
2016 Cheng, C. and Krumwiede, D.,Intangible capital and service innovation in manufacturing firms,Decision Sciences Institute 47th Annual Meeting,Austin, Texas,USA
2016 Cheng. C. and Sheu. C.,Managing open innovation for radical innovation performance,The XXVII ISPIM Innovation Conference: Blending tomorrow’s innovation vintage,Porto,Portugal
2016 Liao, S., Cheng, C. and Lin, M.,Consumer Adoption of Online Reselling: The Influences of Risk and Behavioral Control Perceptions,Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference,Alexandria, VA,USA
2015 Cheng, C. and Sheu, C.,The interplays of open innovation, dynamic capabilities, and environmental dynamism,Decision Sciences Institute 46th Annual Meeting,Seattle,USA
2015 Cheng, C. and Huizingh, E.,Identifying open innovation capabilities: A critical literature review,The XXVI ISPIM Innovation Conference: Shaping the Frontiers of Innovation Management,Budapest,Hungry
2014 Cheng, C. and Huizingh, E.,Identifying capabilities for open innovation activities,The XXV ISPIM Innovation Conference: Innovation for Sustainable Economy & Society,Dublin,Ireland
2014 Cheng, C., Xu, Y. and Sheu, C.,Strategic orientations and new service development performance – Moderating effect of strategic flexibility,Decision Sciences Institute 45th Annual Meeting,Tampa,USA
2013 Cheng, C. and Huizingh, E.,The role of creative climate in open innovation effectiveness,The XXIV ISPIM Conference – Innovating in Global Markets: Challenges for Sustainable Growth,Helsinki,Finland
2013 Huizingh, E. and Cheng, C.,The effects of environmental turbulence on open innovation success,20th International Product Development Management Conference,Paris,France
2013 Cheng, C. and Krumwiede, D.,What is the role of organizational creative climate in open innovation?,Decision Sciences Institute 44th Annual Meeting,Baltimore,USA
2012 Cheng, C. and Huizingh, E.,Effects of market and technological turbulence on open innovation success,The XXIII ISPIM Conference- Action for innovation: Innovating from experience,Barcelona,Spain
2012 Cheng, C. and Krumwiede, D.,Service modularity and new service advantage: A resource-based approach,Decision Sciences Institute 43th Annual Meeting,San Francisco,USA
2012 Cheng, C.,Radical service innovation: the roles of service innovation capability and open business models,The 19th International Product Development Management Conference,Manchester,UK
2011 Cheng, C. and Huizingh, E.,When is open innovation beneficial? The role of strategic orientation,The XXII ISPIM Conference- Sustainability in Innovation: Innovation Management Challenges,Hamburg,Germany
2011 Cheng, C., Tsai, E. and Krumwiede, D.,Developing creativity capabilities for enhancing new product creativity,Decision Sciences Institute 42th Annual Meeting,Boston,USA
2010 Cheng, C. and Huizingh, E.,Open innovation to increase innovation performance: evidence from a large scale,The XXI ISPIM Conference-Dynamics of Innovation,Bilbao,Spain
2010 Cheng, C. and Krumwiede, D.,Creative climate, creativity capabilities, and new product creativity in the virtual community,Decision Sciences Institute 41th Annual Meeting,San Diego,USA
2010 Liao, S. and Cheng, C.,Can high-equity global brands ride out innovation downfall better? an investigation of the exacerbating factors of product innovation failure from a consumer perspective,2010 Global Marketing Conference,Tokyo,Japan
2010 Cheng, C., Chen, J. and Tsou, H.,Market creation service innovation: identification and verification,The 7th IEEE International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,Tokyo,Japan
2009 Cheng, C. and Huizingh, E.,Does open innovation improve service innovation performance?,The XX ISPIM Conference-The Future of Innovation,Vienna,Austria
2009 Cheng, C. and Krumwiede, D.,The effects of market orientation and innovation on service industry performance: an empirical study,Decision Sciences Institute 40th Annual Meeting,New Orleans,USA
2009 Cheng, C. and Shiu, E.,Re-innovation in new product operations and its consequences,16th International Product Development Management Conference,Twente,The Netherlands
2008 Cheng, C. and Huizingh, E.,Does innovation mediate the relation between strategic orientations and new service success,he XIX ISPIM Conference-Open Innovation: Creating Products and Services through Collaboration,Tours (Loire Valley),France
2007 Cheng, C. and Shiu, E.,Re-innovation: The construct, measurement, and validation,The XVIII ISPIM Conference-Innovation for Growth,Warsaw,Poland
2006 Cheng, C. and Shiu, E.,Antecedents and consequences of re-innovation,Product Development and Management Association Conference,Atlanta,USA
2006 Cheng, C. and Shiu, E.,Re-Innovation – What is it and what could influence its performance?,Academy of Marketing Conference,London,UK


Year Book
2017 Cheng, C.,Innovation performance in service industries – unlocking the intricate effects of strategic orientations and business model, Research Handbook of Innovation and Creativity for Marketing Management
2017 Cheng, C.,Research Handbook of Innovation and Creativity for Marketing Management﹐
2014 Cheng, C., Xu, A. and Sheu, C.,Effects of strategic orientations and new service development performance, In Trends and Research in the Decision Sciences: Best Papers from the 2014 Annual Conference
2014 Cheng, C.,Creative climate, creativity capabilities, and new product creativity in the internet communication space, Creativity Research: An Inter-Disciplinary and Multi-Disciplinary Research Handbook
2014 Cheng, C., Xu, A. and Sheu, C.,Trends and Research in the Decision Sciences: Best Papers from the 2014 Annual Conference
2014 Cheng, C.,Creativity Research: An Inter-Disciplinary and Multi-Disciplinary Research Handbook

Research project

Unit Project Start Date Role
科技部 如何以智慧綠色創新建立永續競爭優勢? 2021/08/01 主持人
科技部 如何以新策略聯盟陣型發展綠色創新:社會資本理論觀點 2018/08/01 主持人
科技部 如何在商業生態系統中發展與維持綠色商業模式創新 動態態力觀點與 結構-執行-績效架構 2015/08/01 主持人
科技部 服務創新策略與執行:共創觀點、架構與實證: 開放式商業模式之新服務共創與共製 2012/08/01 主持人


Date Experience Unit Role
2019/11 其他委員 台灣企業永續研訓中心 咨詢委員
2019/08 委員會委員 企業管理學系 創新創業學程召集人
2019/08 委員會委員 企業管理學系 課程委員會「組織人資策略」組委員
2019/08 委員會委員 企業管理學系 企業永續發展中心執行長
2019/02 委員會委員 企業管理學系 企業實習委員會召集人
2019/02 委員會委員 企業管理學系 AACSB系代表委員
2018/08 委員會委員 企業管理學系 國立臺北大學企業永續發展中心執行長
2018/08 委員會委員 企業管理學系 創新創業學程召集人
2018/02 委員會委員 企業管理學系 AACSB系代表委員
2018/02 委員會委員 企業管理學系 企業實習委員會召集人


Year Project Awarder
2014 Best Papers from the 2014 Annual Conference Decision Sciences Institute 45th Annual Meeting